Drawing the Eye with David Kassan

A beautiful figurative sketch of the eye by David Kassan, that shows another approach to anatomical structure, light and shadow etc.


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About Jan Langford

I've been developing my personal journaling style for a long time.  I started with an old-fashioned children's scrapbook of snippets and later, developed a journal writing voice, discovering how to use it for self-analysis and solving personal problems. In 2006 I started blogging and used it as a combination of the above i.e. a place to gather interesting snippets and a place for working out the personal stuff.  I used it sporadically and on a whim.  I wasn't entirely sure of my motives for blogging and I wasn't concerned whether I had a readership or not. Four years ago I introduced paint to my journals and became enthused with mixed media and visual journaling.  I had no aspiration to call myself an "artist" at that point and was more likely to call myself a witch, or a tarot reader, a back-to-nature smallholder, an ageing hippie, a toker.  One thing is certain. I was then and still am, a retired ex-pat living in central Portugal, struggling with the language and the culture. Things move on, as they do.  I find myself part of a supportive group of developing artists, Art Group D'Acha.  Having dabbled a bit with oils, I've now gone back to basics, learning drawing with Irisha Panteleimonova and leading an enthusiastic art journaling group, which I have wanted to do for some time. If you take the time to read my posts, or to follow our group as we continue to grow, I am very grateful to you.  In return, I will share fragments of myself that I hope will encourage your own inner journeys and help you to develop confidence to be yourself in a society that seems to want bind us in conformity.  

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