On A Roll

After a long spell of not wanting to practise my drawing, I’ve had a productive two days.  Three portraits in three days, not bad.  Of the three, I am most satisfied with the one of Sabine, both in terms of likeness and quality of workmanship.  That one, and the one of Steve, are not accurate in terms of tilt of the head and I could not get the eyes to appear to look up either.  The one of Deolinda, I’m afraid, does not bear much resemblance and looks top-heavy, but there is something about it that I like anyway.

I must say, I did not stick to the Stan Proko method for any of them.  I started with the eyes and worked out from there, concentrating only on light and shadow.  I am still having trouble with the “correct” way to hold my pencil, frequently slipping back into old ways of holding it as for writing.

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About Jan Langford

I've been developing my personal journaling style for a long time.  I started with an old-fashioned children's scrapbook of snippets and later, developed a journal writing voice, discovering how to use it for self-analysis and solving personal problems. In 2006 I started blogging and used it as a combination of the above i.e. a place to gather interesting snippets and a place for working out the personal stuff.  I used it sporadically and on a whim.  I wasn't entirely sure of my motives for blogging and I wasn't concerned whether I had a readership or not. Four years ago I introduced paint to my journals and became enthused with mixed media and visual journaling.  I had no aspiration to call myself an "artist" at that point and was more likely to call myself a witch, or a tarot reader, a back-to-nature smallholder, an ageing hippie, a toker.  One thing is certain. I was then and still am, a retired ex-pat living in central Portugal, struggling with the language and the culture. Things move on, as they do.  I find myself part of a supportive group of developing artists, Art Group D'Acha.  Having dabbled a bit with oils, I've now gone back to basics, learning drawing with Irisha Panteleimonova and leading an enthusiastic art journaling group, which I have wanted to do for some time. If you take the time to read my posts, or to follow our group as we continue to grow, I am very grateful to you.  In return, I will share fragments of myself that I hope will encourage your own inner journeys and help you to develop confidence to be yourself in a society that seems to want bind us in conformity.  

3 thoughts on “On A Roll

  1. I like them all, Jan! I immediately recognized the models 🙂 You are improving, and that’s important. With time you’ll see the shapes more accurately, their proportions, tones, and then the likeness will be even greater. By the way, Steve’s beard is so real!

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