In a drawing mood…

Like Jan I was in a drawing mood the last two days…

Maybe it is the heat and the fact that I cannot do much else when it’s so hot, or maybe (hopefully) I reached the point when I don’t have to push myself to start my daily drawing practice… Or maybe there are some drawing magnetic particles in the air…

When I saw Jan’s beautiful drawings, and how much she has done, I thought there must be something in the atmosphere. I am curious if other members are feeling the drawing mood too 😉

I decided to stick this week with the method of drawing the head from the video of Prokopenko. I must say that as everything new it feels strange. I notice that all my portraits have some sort of distortion. On the other hand the more I practice the better the result.

Today I decided to make a portrait from life. As I am the only available model here I had to pose for myself.

On the first photo you can see how much the eyes are off, and the shape of the head is completely wrong. The second portrait, which I did immediately after the first one, is better. I tried to pay attention to the eyes and to the head tilt. They improved although the shape of the head and features could still be improved more.

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